I have an insatiable fasicnation with travel. So, before a recent trip on Europe, I contemplated on what it meant to freely travel as a black woman to such a continent. A continent whose incessant exploriation and expedition resulted with my ancestors on a boat in bondage. I thought of how their dignities were violated and inspected as they stepped into the unknown-- as I too would be held under the microscope as airport security rummaged through my braids. I thought of how that history may possibly lend Itself to the intrinsic fear of water and drowning I held so near. I thought of how, historically, travel can take many meanings to many groups of people--opening the world to some and isolating others... This work is ongoing.
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security
35mm film soaked in water, lemon, bay leaf, green tea, cooled, and salt, scanned multiple times through airport security